PT Asahimas Chemical adalah perusahaan multinasional yang didirikan pada tahun 1986 dengan kantor pusat di Jakarta Pada tahun 1989, mulai beroperasi sebagai kompleks produksi negara-of-the-art di Provinsi Banten. Selama bertahun-tahun, kompleks telah diperluas beberapa kali, secara substansial meningkatkan kapasitas produksi.
Total investasi sekarang berdin di USD 545 juta Hari ini, ASC beroperasi terbesar chlor alkali-vinil klonda tanaman di Asia Tenggara Dengan berfokus pada kimia dan pasar industri ASC memiliki kapasitas untuk menghasilkan caustic soda (NaOH), Ethylene dichloride (EDC), Vinyl Chloride Monomer (VCM), Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC), Asam klorida (HCI) dan Sodium hipoklont (NaCIO).
Saat ini PT Asahimas Chemical sedang membuka lowongan kerja untuk mengisi posisi sebagai :
Environment Officer
Job Responsibilities:
- To do regular communication through regular submission of Environment reports in order to keep close communication, updating regulation and prior information of Environmental issue;
- To do communication as window of Environment Dept in order to updating regulation, abnormal plant condition and other Environmental issue which will be impacting the neighbor companies, community, and regulation through emails, telephones and or regular meetings;
- To control and manage updating permits and regulations in order to comply with regulation through developing control system, close communication with Government and Environmental communities;
- To coordinate teams to get new and or renew Government’s permit in order to keep due date environmental permits and project schedule through close communication with related Dept and external parties.
- Candidate must possess at least Bachelors Degree in Environmental Engineering, Chemical Engineering, or Chemistry;
- Minimum 4 years experience in the relevant field;
- Have knowledge and experience to handle matters related to AMDAL, PROPER, Industri Hijau, and environmental global issues
- Good communication skills, diligent and have initiative;
- Fluent in English will be beneficial;
- Placement: Cilegon, Banten (Plant);
- Contract based, have an opportunity to become permanent employees based on performance.
Jika anda tertarik dan memenuhi kualifikasi di atas silahkan melamar secara online melalui link dibawah ini.