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Lowongan Kerja PT Lotte Chemical Indonesia Plant Merak Cilegon


Lowongan Kerja PT Lotte Chemical Indonesia Plant Merak Cilegon

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PT Lotte Chemical Titan Nusantara didirikan dengan nama PT Indofatra Plastik Industri yang dicatat dalam Akta Notaris Ny. Rukmasanti Hardjasatya, S.H. Nomor 19 Tanggal 09 Desember 1987 yang telah disahkan oleh Menteri Kehakiman Republik Indonesia melalui Surat Keputusan Nomor C2-6603.HT.01.01.Th.88 Tanggal 30 Juli 1988. LCTTBK memulai kegiatan usaha komersial di bidang industri plastik dengan lini produksi pertama dengan kapasitas terpasang awal 8.000 metrik ton per tahun.

Kemudian pada tanggal 18 Juli 1988 merubah nama menjadi PT Fatrapolindo Nusa Industri dan merubah bentuk usaha menjadi perusahaan terbuka setelah memperoleh keputusan dari Menteri Kehakiman dan Hak Asasi Manusia dalam Surat Keputusan Nomor C-5565.HT.01.04-TH.2001 Tanggal 23 April 2001 dan mencatatkan sahamnya pada Bursa Efek Indonesia dengan kode saham FPNI.

Saat ini PT Lotte Chemical Titan Nusantara sedang membuka lowongan kerja untuk mengisi posisi sebagai :

Boardman OS Tank

Job Responsibilities:

  • Abides by all safety procedures and practices applicable to location and position; participates in appropriate safety training.
  • Ensures all safety regulations, laws, company practices, etc. are followed.
  • Performs other duties assigned by management that fall within the generally expected scope of this position.
  • Operate DCS control console to coordinate and regulate process variables and to direct flow rates of various process and utility streams according to prescribed schedules.
  • Read processing schedules, operating logs, test results of samples, and laboratory recommendations to determine changes in equipment controls required to produce specified quantity and quality of product.
  • Set controls to adjust process variables, such as flow, temperature, pressure and level.
  • Responsible for recording, compiling, reporting and documenting operating data, and monitoring process indicators.
  • Coordinate the start-up, shut-down (normal & emergency) and normal operations with Foreman, senior operator and field operators.
  • Perform basic calculations for determining process parameters and material balances.
  • Responsible for preparation such as plant isolation etc., for day-to-day maintenance work.
  • Involve with commissioning work and punch list with vendor, main construction and sub-contractors for upstream and downstream, offsite equipment and facilities area.
  • Checked all activities such as flushing/blowing, reinstatement, leak test, motor run-in, machinery run-in, static equipment inspections, cleaning, internals installations, box-up according to schedule.
  • Develop and prepare commissioning, initial start-up and normal operation procedure for offsite activity such as oil movement, tankage/pump operation, tank truck loading operation, ships loading/unloading operation, storage area, and others.
  • Conducts plant troubleshooting and manage day to day production activities.
  • Follows the instructions of Foreman, so that the production process runs smoothly and in accordance with specified standards.
  • Confirms work and entry permits for general, hazardous, and confined space working conditions.
  • Coordinates with maintenance operator follow the operation procedure.
  • Works diligently and follows all safety requirements to prevent product contamination, spills and avoid product loss.
  • Respond to emergency situations by taking necessary shutdown or process adjustment actions to restore normal operating conditions.
  • Ensure the panel alarms and ESD are logged and approved by the Foreman.
  • Implement Foreman’s instructions on the following: Documentation work and entry permits for general, hazardous, and confined space working conditions; provides lock out, tag out; Writes standard operating procedures; ensures adherence to procedures; reviews procedures for improvement opportunities; Improvement activities for site; identifies opportunities for improvement of processes and procedures; plans and implements; Develops and manages energy and water and utilities usage optimization action plans; Troubleshoots processes; proposes improvements; documents repairs and improvements; Join other projects related with plant operational such as conduct plant re-HAZOP, implement system for Process Safety Management application, Plant expansion, etc.; Functions as a First Responder for emergency situations inside and outside of facility as assigned.; Reports incidents, safety violations, operational errors, and performance of operators to management.; Identifies equipment needs; reports findings to management; coordinates equipment repairs with maintenance team; plans equipment installation; Maintains operations facilities’ appearance; performs inspections; reviews and updates standard operating procedures as assigned; ensures product specifications are met; oversees environmental waste disposal operations as required; Ensures employees have proper equipment; keeps complete inventory and maintenance schedule of all equipment including vehicles, tools, portable radios, and dedicated hoses; Handle process shutdown and start up, and equipment inspection during turn around maintenance; Checks and records in the log sheet plant twice a day various readings such as oil and gas flow temperature and pressure, oil fluid level, electricity, hydraulic system, and record unusual events after reporting them to Foreman; TPM Activity (Total Productive Management), Autonomous Maintenance Coordinator / Administration Office Auditor / Focus Improvement; Creates, verifies, and analyses, approves job Permits to work and daily sample; Ensures that all Turnaround/Major Shutdown activities and work orders are carried out effectively in accordance with safety procedures and practices; Performs other duties assigned by management that fall within the generally expected scope of this position.


  • Min. D4 / S1 (Chemical or equivalent) required from reputable University.
  • Min. 3 years of experience related to Petrochemicals industries
  • Good computer skills in Microsoft Office (Word, Excel, Power Point etc), maintenance various email and internet programs and applications, and other software and databases
  • Ability to control equipment operation and systems.
  • Good knowledge and application of scientific process to resolve problems.
  • Should have clear idea on tank operation. Basic ideas about the parts and machineries used in petrochemical/Refinery plant, associated maintenance and inspection activities.
  • Good integrity, initiatives, and teamwork ability.
  • Have motivation to learn and willing to work under pressure.
  • Have experience about the Project.
  • Willing to work shifts and overtime
  • Willing to be located in Merak Plant (Cilegon).

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